Pride, Prejudice, And Other Flavors - Book Review

Pride, Prejudice, And Other Flavors - Book Review - Incredible Opinions

Pride, Prejudice, And Other Flavors  ⭐⭐⭐
Author - Sonali Dev
Publisher - Harper Collins

The only book that I read by Sonali Dev which doesn't sound like a continuation of her earlier books.

"Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors" is a minor adaptation of Jane Austen's "Pride & Prejudice". Sonali made it clear with her title of the book already.

A super affluent family in the US with royal background from India - The Rajes. Their daughter, Trisha Raje who is a neurosurgeon falls in love with DJ Caine who is a chef. Both DJ and Trisha hae initial spats with their egos clashing and judging each other but how love sparks in both of them is quite a read.

Sonali tempered with the original "Pride & Prejudice" in such a way that the storyline and the characters speak for themselves. The characters not only face pride and prejudice but also certain issues like racism, family abuse, marital issues, and legal frauds are also highlighted in their own scope. There are a lot of simple things in life which we take for granted and this books tells us to appreciate what we have. Sonali brings the exotic taste of Indian cuisines mixed with French to reader's delight.

I have always liked Sonali's writing style and how she unfolds background stories of the characters at a perfect time. This book is no exception. A quick read and I'd definitely recommend it to other readers who are looking forward to read this book.